“Inside Out” follows four courageous young adults with Down syndrome as they discover independence through performance.
Over the period of five years, our team have been following four young performers with Down syndrome; Josh Gray, James Penny, Emma Brodie and Joanna Rix as they strive to achieve their professional and personal dreams. In 2013, the group were given the opportunity to work with Kirsty Fromholtz and the Sydney Creative Movement to present an integrated dance performance called ‘Inside Out’ at the Sydney Fringe Festival.
The ups and downs, triumphs and heartbreaks are revealed as our fine young adults work towards the opening night of their performance. Each individual wrestles with the pursuit of their dreams of both greater independence and integration within the community as well as their goals as artists with Down syndrome.
Ability is redefined in this uplifting documentary as we explore what it means to live with a disability and the social, cultural and personal implications of this.
Writer/Director: Hannah Bent
Producer: Joanna Bowers